Basics Banks: Referral Agencies

We now have approximately 1,500 referral agents across Southampton. Some examples of the kinds of organisations that refer people to us for help are: churches, Southampton based charities (such as No Limits, Two Saints, SARC), housing associations, mental health services, Citizens Advice, debt charities, health visitors, hostels, housing services, nursing teams, children’s services, many different NHS departments including some GP surgeries, social services, addiction services, and some schools.

If you are struggling to find a referral agent, you can find a list of common ones, below. 

Please be aware that many of the agencies are receiving a high volume of calls, and may not be able to answer straight away.

Key Organisations that refer to SCM Basics Bank

Citizen’s Advice

Advice Line Mon-Fri 9am-4.30pm Tel: 0808 2787863

Central Library drop in (video consultation):  Check Website for opening day/times as this changes each week

Shirley Library drop in (video consultation):  Check Website for opening day/times as this changes each week

Welfare Advice Line

Mon-Fri 10am-12.30pm & 1.30pm-4.00pm 023 8001 0883

Two Saints Day Centre

30 Cranbury Ave, SO14 0LT Mon-Fri 9am-2pm

Tel: 02380 223443

Society of St James

Tel: 023 8063 4596

Street Homeless Prevention Team:

Tel: 023 8083 2343

Southampton Advice & Representation Centre (SARC)

Mon-Fri 9am-4.30pm 023 8043 1435

Email: use their web contact form

No Limits (for people aged up to 25)

Telephone 02380 224 224    Email:

Christians Against Poverty (CAP UK) – Debt advice

Telephone based service 0800 328 0006 Email:

CLEAR (for Refugees & Asylum Seekers)

02380 221111

Weekly drop in Friday 9.30am-12pm Avenue St Andrews URC

EU Welcome (help and support for EU migrants)

Main reception: 02380 221111

Email: use their web contact form

Community Mental Health Teams

Southampton Central (College Keep): 023 8231 0726 

Southampton East (Bitterne Park): 0238 2310 982   

Southampton West (Cannon House): 023 8087 8040

Family Hubs (Formerly ‘Sure Start’)

Ashby Centre                02380 540135

Pickles Coppice            02380 540135

Sure Start Clovelly         02380 331635

Sure Start Townhill Park 02380 915480

Sure Start Thornhill        02380 917633

Sure Start Weston         02380 437866