Schools: Assemblies
Our Schools Team love to lead Assemblies and Collective Worship in schools; in fact our schools work actually began with an Assembly in a local Primary School almost 30 years ago! We aim to be as flexible as possible in the way that we support schools, so are happy for our involvement in your Assembly / Collective Worship times to be as short or as long as required, fitting in around other staff-led activities as necessary.
You can invite one of our trained Team Leaders to deliver an on-site or online Assembly / Collective Worship for your setting by contacting the office on 02380 550 435 or by emailing the schools team on
Click here for a printable Info Page about Assemblies.
These shorter visits to schools are always engaging and interactive, normally involving a question or two for pupils to consider, a story to join in with, visual aids and props, as well as time for reflection and response. Although our most popular times for Assembly / Collective Worship visits are at Harvest, Christmas, Easter, and Summer, many schools also invite us to visit at other points throughout the academic year, to provide input on other SMSC & PSHE topics such as British Values, SEAL Themes, or Relational Concepts for example.
Online Assemblies
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis lockdown and beyond, we broadcast both live & pre-recorded Online Assemblies which we called “Thoughts at Three”. A collection of nearly 100 of these assemblies are still available to view via our YouTube channel and Facebook page.
If there is a Topic which you would like the Schools Team to do an Online Assembly about that we haven’t already, then please get in contact as we would love to help provide that resource for you!