Schools: CAP Money

Specifically tailored for schools, CAP Money has been developed with teachers to equip the next generation with essential skills to ensure they are wise about money in the future.

We offer CAP Money sessions as either a 1 day course or 2 shorter workshops. We have different programmes suitable for: KS1 (Year 1 pupils), Upper KS2 (Year 5/6 pupils), and KS4 (Year 10/11 pupils). For all ages, CAP Money sessions get pupils thinking about the importance of money and to introduce them to the concept of budgeting.  Request a visit from one of our accredited CAP Money Coaches by contacting the office on 02380 550 435 or by emailing the schools team on

Click here for a printable Info Page about CAP Money.

“The budgeting exercise was fun and kept the children engaged. Good practice of maths skills.”

"Lots of learning done for the children. Think they got a lot out of it."

"Very relevant and something they will need to do later in life."

Class Teacher Feedback